Friday, December 27, 2019

How to Job Search Without Your Employer Knowing

How to Job Search Without Your Employer KnowingHow to Job Search Without Your Employer Knowing8Heres how to job search without your employer knowingDont cross the work/job search boundary.First, try not to job search during your current work hours, and of course, always use a personal email address and phone number rather than your work email and phone number for job search activities.It can be hard to wait until youre off the clock, but its worth it to wait if you really dont want your current employer discovering your job search. Plus, youll be better able to focus, and your performance at work wont suffer. Which brings us to point two.Dont let your responsibilities slip at work.If youre looking for a new job, planning your departure from your current employer might be mora exciting than continuing to do your job, but thats a red flag to your employer. Dont let your job performance slip.Keep up with your responsibilities, stay engaged with your coworkers, and proceed as you normall y would. You cant estimate how long your job search might take- dont have one foot out the door prematurely.Triple-check your LinkedIn privacy settings.LinkedIn is a great way to connect with your network, request recommendations, and show potential employers your value. But if every one of your new moves is broadcast to your whole network, it can be obvious that youre actively looking for a new job.Review each of LinkedIns privacy options to make sure your activities are kept quiet. Turn off alerts to your network, and use the private message system to communicate with your network.Enlist the help of your closest coworkers.Its nice to have a good reference from your current employer when searching for a new job. But if asking your manager is out of the question, think about which coworkers you work closely with- those who could speak to your qualifications but also keep your job search private.Be very cautious about whom you choose to confide in, if anyone. If current coworkers are nt an option, get in touch with previous managers and coworkers who can speak really well about your experience working together, and who also know what youve been doing since you changed jobs.A covert job search is entirely possible if you maintain good boundaries between your current job and your job search, stay productive in your current role, check online privacy settings, and enlist the help of only your most trustworthy colleagues.Remember, its very difficult to predict how long it will take you to find a new job, so dont put one foot out the door until youre ready to keep walking.Start Your Job Search

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